“Crungry” Blood sugar imbalance affecting your memory?

kick the sugar habit

  Ah the dangers of high blood sugar… then the entire body response to lower toxic levels of blood sugar… and then… blood sugar goes too low… “Crungry”—you know… cranky because you’re hungry. Thinking it is about to starve and die, the body now creates a stress response: crankiness, cravings, anxiety, sometimes jitters and faint-headedness… It is such a primal response: low blood sugar = drastic moods and single-focus “feed me!” And we no longer care what. This primal single-focused subconscious drive throws out everything and goes for the fastest quick-fix money can buy at the closest convenience store: But … Continue reading

Solving the weight loss puzzle

solve obesity, weight loss, hormone imbalance

Solving the weight loss puzzle There are so many different diet and exercise plans to help us lose weight—almost a new one every day. Why? Because none of them actually work. Think about it. While there are certainly healthy ways to achieve your weight goals—the trick is to optimize your metabolism, the rate at which your body burns fuel—being overweight is a symptom. It takes more to address this than the one-size-fits-all programs you can read in a book or accomplish in a few weeks with some nutrishakes or low-calorie foods. Weight loss can’t be packaged and sold for cheap in bulk to the masses—with all … Continue reading

Embracing change: Is your saboteur sabotaging you?

achieve your dreams, weight goals, health goals

Saboteur One who engages in sabotage, usually concealing their identity. Sabotage those acts of subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction that keep us (or the enemy) playing small. Change comes with a chain reaction… Have you noticed that as soon as you decide to make a big change, especially one that looks really good, a whole bunch of “voices” give you very long lists of why it won’t work, cost too much… It’s not you. If your decision aligns with your goals, these opinions and voices make no sense, right? Sometimes these are unhelpful friends. We do need a good support … Continue reading

Why restoring gut balance comes first, and detoxifying second–Rejuveo

purposeful activities, enjoy life, whole foods nutrition, anchorage nutritionist, vitamins, healthy eating, optimal health

“Dysbiosis:” simply put, is when there is an imbalance between the types of bacteria and yeast living in you. And it ALSO is used to mean, harmful (disease-causing) bacteria, yeast and parasites are living in you (usually your gut). Most of us have this to some degree and don’t even know it. But you probably know with certainty that you have chronic indigestion, bloating, gas, alternating constipation and diarrhea, yeast infections / jock-like itches… and what about other common symptoms of dysbiosis like chronic fatigue, skin rashes, bad breath, thyroid problems, bladder infections, immune problems and even cancer, especially of … Continue reading

Gut Health Check: We’re Only 10% Human

2000 years have passed since Hippocrates said that “all disease begins in the gut“. I certainly can’t disagree with that wisdom. That’s why I’ve created the individualized 21-day metabolic reset (a.k.a. the Rejuveo Cleanse) and also my 4-week Eating to Restore Balance class. Overlooking gut health may make or break all other health programs. And gut health depends directly (and, in my professional opinion, only) on what you eat.  Ask yourself these gut-health questions: Do you have food sensitivities? Do you ever experience brain fog? Do you have symptoms of slow thyroid? Are your stubborn pounds refusing to budge? Do you have any … Continue reading

Sneaking sugars into kefir??

Coconut milk kefir probiotic

“You put sugar in your kefir, right?” (I’m sorry—did I hear that right????) “Well I was over buying coconut milk kefir and she said you put sugar in yours, that’s why her’s is better.” There I was, enjoying the company of the great clients who turned out for the first ever Fermentapalooza over at the Alaska Health Improvement Center, and suddenly there was this “You put sugar in your kefir?” question / statement. I am the mother who helps an entire football team develop iron-man stamina by finding alternates to sugary Gatorade, who applauds schools like Spring Hill in Anchorage for … Continue reading

Feel satisfied: Five ways to fill “hedonic hunger”

plant-based diet, SCD diet, GAPS diet, body ecology, anchorage nutritionist

Not a “Top Six Hunger-suppressing Foods” post or even a “7 Foods to Control Cravings” post, hunger is the number one reason people fail at dieting so let’s look at another angle on it. One of my client last week asked me why it was so hard to achieve her goals. So we had to take a good hard look at the emotional connection of food as she frowned when I pointed out that while switching to maple syrup is a better choice than cane sugar, continuing to consume an average 34 teaspoons per day is still not healthy yet this … Continue reading

Obesity: the making of an epidemic

Not just in the US, all around the world, obesity and related problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are at levels we’ve never before seen. More people are now overweight than underfed. Surprisingly, a person can have normal weight yet still be over fat—still have excessive fat inside their body surrounding their organs. Why is this bad? Because the deep fat—the intra-abdominal or visceral fat as it is called—also becomes a sponge for toxic chemicals. The concentration of fat-stored toxins can be 1000’s of times higher than that circulating in your blood as demonstrated by my dear … Continue reading

Clear up nagging weight, lack of energy…

toxic chemicals and accumulated waste prevent weight loss

Greetings healthy friends! After wrapping up my year of training in integrated nutrition, I have a surprise for you. Especially for those of you who wrote me after my weight loss series. Have you tried drastic measures to lose weight, regain energy, simply feel the way you should feel… ? I hate to say this, but so often the problem is volumes of very poor information, fads and “quick fix” solutions. So the results don’t last. Many people I know have tried diet after diet, losing and gaining weight, berating themselves for not being able to keep the weight off, … Continue reading

Why We Get Fat (part 2)

www.successhealthcoach.com = successful weight loss

Debunking the “eat less / move more” weight loss program. In Why We Get Fat (part 1) I explained the radical change in mainstream nutrition advice starting late 1970’s: we were told to cut the fat out, eat fat-free, low-fat… you know “eat healthy.” The food industry complied. We got an infinite number of new “Heart Healthy”, Low-Fat, No-Fat, “diet” and more high carbohydrate convenience products than we could possibly need—always in a hurry these were supposed to be healthier for us, right? Carbohydrates were placed on the bottom of the food pyramid; the fundamental base of good nutrition. Grains … Continue reading

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