Lose Weight: Turn Off the Fat Switch


Lose weight: Weight Loss Remodernized Ancient nutritional theory says getting fat is simply a matter of too many calories and not enough exercise; that to lose weight we have to use willpower, cut calories / exercise more—any calories will do, just eat less of them. What if it’s wrong? If you are among the millions who’ve tried to lose weight by counting calories or low calorie diets know this: obesity does not result from gluttony and idleness, but rather because we have activated a “fat switch” similar to that used by animals in the wild to increase fat stores: it … Continue reading

Have a Fulfilling New Year

garlic roast beef with wild mushroom sauce

[cryout-pullquote align=”left” textalign=”center” width=”33%”]“I had done’all the right things’ for so long… so it was totally shocking to learn that my low-fat, high-carb diet was behind my weight gain and low energy.” –DJ “I’m really grateful for the friendly know-how and support making the changes I needed to make. I’m dancing with joy!” –PF “This site is a wealth of just great, real whole food ideas! Thank you” –AM[/cryout-pullquote] Greetings friends of health! I hope you enjoy this special post and wishes for the coming year. Everyone can have incredible wins like these—no matter their unique situation. Many, many people are … Continue reading

7 Nutrition Truths for Optimal Health.

corn sugar and the obesity epidemic

Simple nutrition steps–Big health returns. One of my clients recently asked me to help improve her family’s health through diet—she talked about getting off the processed and starchy by home-cooking whole-grain pasta with Alfredo. OK, so what exactly is a healthy diet? Well, the nutrition truth basics are pretty simple: Everyone needs a mix of proteins, fats, and some (but not too much) carbohydrates from the right sources. We need enough vitamins and minerals. We need nourishing activities in our lives. But there are many long-held nutrition myths. Crowding out the false data and replacing it with nutrition truths may not … Continue reading

Food Sensitivity? Food Allergy? Navigating the Adventure.

Coconut Milk Yogurt

Oh, the adventures of allergies and food sensitivities! Finding you have food sensitivities and allergies can be a relief. After all, now you know what has been causing your headaches, diarrhea, bloating, gas (sorry), fatigue, yeast infections, skin rashes… very life-impacting symptoms! On the other hand, the process of finding out how to live, now that you know the cause of the problem, can be totally overwhelming. You probably just got told that you can never eat your favorite foods again, will have to learn how to cook all over… almost impossible, right? Hold on: Fueled by research, born of … Continue reading

Healthy Brain Power Snacks for Our Children

This week is Standards Based Assessment (SBAs) at our son’s elementary school. We really appreciate the reminders from our Superintendent to give our children the assets they need during these high-performance times. Great idea to reduce sugar, increase wholesome foods, eliminate video games and electronics, and bottom line let them focus. Here are a few suggestions from Our Nutrition Kitchen — Enjoy!! Goji Cacao Energy Balls Berry Nut Muffins Hummus Yum! Football Chicken Satay Baseball Beef Sticks [contact-form-7 id=”1851″ title=”Question form blog page”] Copyright © 2011. Marie Sternquist. All Rights Reserved.

Greetings Healthy Friends! Healing with whole food.

Why I started this whole food nutrition and recipe resource Perhaps at no time in history have Americans eaten so poorly and had so many health issues while at the same time being bombarded by messages to have more of this or that and less of the other—always for health reasons, it seems. Unfortunately, most of today’s consumption nutrition decisions are driven by corporate marketing and not by sound nutrition advice. The scales have tipped. We out of balance and we are paying for this with our health, quality of life and enormous medical costs.Our bodies must be given what they uniquely need to support life, health, and maintain … Continue reading

  • Tried "Everything"?
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