One of the most important meals of our day, breakfast can make or break your energy levels, not just today but also tomorrow.
The problem is that most busy households go for a bowl of cereal and milk, orange juice, probably some coffee. We consume a bolus of blood-sugar pumping carbohydrates (a whopping 100+ grams if you use the nifty tool here and assume the “28gm cereal serving” is ¼ cup—who eats just ¼ cup?), then off to work or school… where soon enough we run out of energy, the insulin we just made forces our blood sugar low, we get tired, cranky and feel hungry again well before lunch. More pick-me-ups…
…and… most of that blood sugar that was sent to our cells for energy is converted to fat and stored.
Change your breakfast selection first. Start your day with good protein and healthy fats you can make in a flash. Make it all the way to lunch with energy to spare.

I love quiche, and it can be made gluten and dairy free. This recipe solves the sad problem of a crust that is normally made with flour -- or by the uninformed who substitute corn starch for flour (yuck! And even if it could taste OK, most corn grown in the US today is genetically...
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A superstar nutrient food, buckwheat is high in fiber as well as each of the eight essential amino acids (the term “essential” refers to compounds our bodies cannot make and must be obtained through diet). And when you consider that buckwheat is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and calcium,...
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A recent read of The Untold Story of Milk explained completely why cow milk--a food I associate with growing up among my grandfather's pastured family cows--causes my back to immediately go into spasms, causes so much phlegm that I lose my singing voice, and has caused many of my friends and patients serious health problems....
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This recipe, and the raw honey in it, are gifts from my neighbors Judith and Bill. They keep bees, grow all sorts of yummy things in their garden, and let me pick from their raspberry patch conveniently located at the end of my summer jogging loop. If you can't get honey, use maple or birch...
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All summer long and into the fall we can get fresh, ripe peaches and nectarines here in Anchorage. These are cooked with Poconos brand Cream of Buckwheat and dried, unsweetened, cranberries until everything is soft and tender. Serve with toppings of your choice and you’ll find you have energy to burn whether hitting the slopes,...
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Buckwheat is the perfect food whether you are trying to restore gut health, heal Candida, or just get a good morning protein source without the carbohydrates. Buckwheat groats are not a cereal grain and do not have the liabilities of causing high cholesterol, sugar imbalances, weight gain, and everything else discussed in this post, and...
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As I write this, it is prime berry season here in Alaska. And just in time from a client who is so happy with her new energy levels she is travelling the world. Apparently New Zealand has an incredible berry season also; this client writes: "this breakfast recipe gives me lots of energy to go all...
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Toni Rae sent over this amazing oatmeal substitute; breakfast recipe with quinoa that she created while doing the Rejuveo Cleanse. If you are looking for a quick and healthy breakfast with the hot cereal concept, check this out. Don't like quinoa? (or quinoa doesn't like you?) Substitute raw buckwheat groats and follow the exact same directions. After...
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Last week I wrote a kefir recipe that is so unbelievably simple and got me to thinking... Everyone should add probiotics to their day. pro-by-who? you say? I know, one of those polysylabic technical words Marie grabbed from her science life... “pro-” = for, favoring or helping “biotic” pertaining to life Why do we want...
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Serves 1 Ingredients 1 cup coconut milk kefir (or organic but not lite coconut milk) 1 cup strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries—fresh or frozen 2 tablespoons chia seeds 2 tablespoons raw pumpkin seeds 2 tablespoons flax seeds Preparation Blend the berries into coconut milk kefir. Use a blender to color the porridge as shown, or just...
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Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, plant-based protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber. (So much fiber, in fact, that there is only one “net carb” per one-ounce serving!) They naturally provide the exact right type of fiber to help with bowel health and balance. This dish is lightly sweetened with dates but you can choose...
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Crepes remind me of lazy weekend brunches sitting on the deck outside in the morning sun. But crepes aren’t just weekend breakfast food. Usually with fruit filling (see recipe), sometimes with creamy salmon filling (see recipe). Need grab-and-go? Make extra and freeze between sheets of parchment paper; thaw for lunch roll-ups, weekday breakfasts any time...
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From Phyllis, here's to all our friends seeking to perfect that special occasion perfect waffle. Serves 4 Ingredients 3 Eggs 1 Cup raw cashews ⅓ Cup almond milk or coconut milk 3 Tablespoons raw honey or grade B maple syrup 3 Tablespoons coconut oil melted ¼ teaspoon salt ¾ teaspoon baking soda 3 Tablespoons coconut
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Are waffles ever perfect? Yes! Size and shape has nothing to do with it; ingredients and taste do. At the end of summer during apple and berry season, some of us freeze berries, make applesauce for later… all are amazing over these waffles. So is traditional pastured butter and real Vermont maple syrup... the almond...
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IngredientsA smart mom friend of mine decided to debug the "my children come home from school starving and grab, well, 'stuff'. When I put out healthy foods like these egg muffins they'll grab those instead." And, I might add, it's important to send children to school after a high protein breakfast. While boxes of cereal...
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Buckwheat and (optional) eggs make a hearty, high protein start to your day. Make this quick and simple recipe. always a family favorite. Sensitive to eggs or just can't find high quality, free-range sources? No problem, leave them out. Don't have these particular veggies? No problem, use what you have 😉 And by-the-way... this is...
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Made from a base of applesauce, almond butter, and almond meal with a few other delicious add-ins. Not only that, they’re also vegan or can use eggs, gluten free, grain free, and paleo friendly. If you are following a restricted SIBO, autoimmune, or Candida diet, do note that the amount of almond in this recipe...
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Guests? Quick ideas for nutritious and amazing breakfasts before sending children to school or heading to work? Portable snacks? This evolved from a bumper crop of rhubarb and and berries (frozen works)!. Go for it! Serves 6 Ingredients Crust 2 cups almond flour 2 Tablespoons tapioca or arrowroot flour ¼ cup grass-fed butter OR coconut...
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