Eat and be happy!
These condiment recipes avoid the sugars and cheap seed oils of the pre-made versions—and that means more health and fun for you.
Oh, living on a budget? Condiments and bottled waters are the biggest budget-busting trap ever. Go for the high-end meats and fish by making your own signature mayo, catsup…
Is it”Ketchup”? or “Catsup”?
I'm not sure about the spelling—and anyway, both of those, even the organic versions you find in the "health food" isle, are loaded with unhealthy forms of sugar—far too much of it! May as well title this page Corn syrup? or Cane sugar? This wonderful ketchup recipe version uses a small amount of maple syrup and...
Yellow Curry Powder
There is not just one recipe for curry powder; there are so many ingredients that can be added with each recipe being as individual as the person creating it. Some of the common spices are turmeric (gives curry a bright yellow color among other subtle flavors and health benefits), coriander seeds, cumin seeds, brown mustard...
Swedish Bitters
Swedish Bitters (also known as Swedish Herbs) (Schwedenbitter) have been around since the middle 1500's! Originally used as a digestive supplement, Maria Treben, a well-known European herbalist of over 60-years healed all manner of ailments simply using her Swedish Bitters blend to correct liver, bile and digestive issues. This is Maria Treben's Swedish Bitters formula...
Garlic Aioli a la Simon and Seafort’s

Always fun to enjoy a seafood dinner with a dear friend. And when there are new and amazing taste treats... Thank you Simon and Seafort's chefs for sharing your garlic aioli recipe. The amounts are my interpretation. Amazing on almond battered rock fish (or any fish), over spot shrimp, over veggies... simply amazing. Ingredients 1...
Za’Atar Mediterranean spice and dipping sauce
This herbal spice from the Mediterranean / middle eastern regions is so easy and such a special flavor. Traditionally, Za'Atar is made with sumac although that can be hard to find. Hyssop is a perennial herb that grows in the warmer Mediterranean climes all the way to my garden in Anchorage, Alaska. Believe me, you...
Tahini recipe, oh so simple

Most commercial tahini has wheat, corn, soy, or other thickeners. Make your own. It is simple. Continue reading
Jamaican Jerk Pineapple Sauce
Wow. I had guests who run a Jamaican kitchen earlier this year. If you are in the Fort Lauderdale area you absolutely must stop by their place at (754) 701-8407. Take their amazing dishes made with love to the beach and enjoy. Or sit in for spiritual connection. They left me with samples of...
Paleo Worcestershire Sauce (No Corn-based Molasses)

I love finding ways to replace inflammatory cane, corn, and agave sweeteners that sneak into all our premade foods. I understand that certain foods are easily purchased premade. Sadly (and probably to reduce price and increase convenience), store bought is loaded with "unwanteds". That said, if it needs a label it isn't food. Why not use...
Real (egg lovers) Mayonnaise Recipe

Some of us have the idea that mayonnaise is unhealthy; most don’t know why. Almost all store-bought mayonnaise sneaks sugar and inflammatory seed oils into your diet—even the "made with olive oil" has canola or safflower as the first oil on the ingredients list with a dash of healthy olive oil. And, well, that is...
Egg-free Mayonnaise
Looking for an egg-free mayonnaise recipe? Many of us are having developed sensitivities and/or allergies to eggs. Or perhaps you limit eggs given the poor quality of commercially available eggs, concerns over salmonella, and/or concerns over PCBs and other contaminants in chicken feed. These are all valid concerns. Unfortunately, one concern that dramatically caused us...
Sour Cream Without the Cream

Sour cream from cashews? Is "skeptical" too weak a word for what you might be thinking? Well, I am still shocked that a handful of nuts could be transformed into something like sour cream, but it really totally works! I’m not a regular sour cream user. If you are, there is probably nothing that will...