Hello readers! Back from my unannounced break—apologies for the “unannounced” hiatus. A lot of family stuff… I’ve had to really take a good look at a whole lot of self discovery. Decisions. Every door that closes opens a room full of rainbows.
I love people, I love my husband; I’ve been focused on our relationship as it became not as nourishing as it needed to be and had to change. Care for it, guard it, help it, like it, be interested in it… this is relationship nourishment. When you are not acknowledged for the good things you do, the relationship will suck energy and not feed you.If you do not acknowledge another for their good things, same. After a person does harmful things they cannot care for their relationships; they now move into combat, ignore… and only personal self-discipline will make it go right.
My path of self-discovery opened an amazing door. Beyond nutrition, although that is important—let’s look at nourishment!
When I say “nourishment” do you think “Food pyramid” ? or “nutrition labels” ?
We are fed not by food but by the energy in our lives. Modern nutrition – carbs, proteins, fruits, and veggies – our body burns these for fuel but they are only one source of nourishment.
In fact, truly, our primary food comes in four key areas: relationships, physical activity, career, and spirituality. Underneath these sits the food we choose to fuel these activities—they are linked of course, but proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals are secondary food. This is important.
Remember as a child, playing outside with your friends. Your mom calls “dinnertime!” “Time to come in and eat.” but you say “No mommy, I’m not hungry yet.”
Your mom, who believed her role is to enforce the rules of good nutrition; made sure you ate at least a minimally acceptable amount of food. She stood and shook her head as you rush out again to play. At the end of the day you’d return, exhausted, and go to sleep without thinking about food at all.
As children, we all lived on primary food. The same is true when you are deeply in love, or working passionately on a project. the fun, excitement, and love of daily life have the power to feed us so that food becomes secondary.
We hunger for play, fun, touch, romance, intimacy, love, achievement, success, art, music, self-expression, leadership, excitement, adventure, and spirituality. All these elements are essential forms of nourishment, and the extent to which we are able to incorporate them determines how enjoyable and worthwhile our lives feel.
On my new path, I’m continuing my nutritional counseling, of course, and I’m adding to that ways to help people achieve many other of their life goals.
Someday, I want a life improvement center where all these areas: relationships, physical activity, career, and spirituality can be cared for; where we get trained in effective tools to create the future we want: a future of our own creation and that nourishes ourselves, our families, our friends and every living thing on planet earth. This is an exciting to me!
Stop back often – I’m hoping to contribute to your nourishing journey, or inspire you to start one. What would you most like to change in your life? What would help you do that?
I’d love to hear back.