Fast, nourishing and unbelievably portable soups
Make a crock pot and have leftovers all week.
Enjoy these recipes
Chilled Coconut Soup

Those hot days of summer call for a cool, refreshing, and most of all easy start to any meal. Or combine with a salad for a light lunch. And best of all, you may be surprised to know that coconut is incredibly healthy. Coconut is high in useable forms of (meaning the body can actually...
Golden Squash Soup

This easy-to-prepare squash soup is a favorite among many of our readers. Not only flavorful, squash and other “yellow-orange” vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and some of the minerals that make these anti-oxidant’s work. Generally speaking your starchy and yellow-orange vegetables can create a blood sugar spike, and certainly are...
ChaCha Chili

Beans and other legumes appear to be rich in minerals according to chemically testing for nutrient content. But, and here is the really big but, in perhaps no other vegetable group is content so very different from available than beans. Unless properly prepared, you are absorbing little of the nutrients in your legumes due to...
White Chili

Another great dish from a client! As with anything involving beans or other seeds, it is important to soak them at least overnight the day before. Even better to give chili beans a bit more time to "sprout" or germinate by starting in the morning covered with water, then drain and rinse, then let them sit...
Garden Broccoli Soup

Thicken soups and other dishes by adding potato, a much better health choice than using flour as a thickener. Raw food diet principles suggest you puree the vegetables before cooking to release special nutrients in the cell walls and make them more completely digestible. This easy broccoli soup is delicious and satisfying. Serves 4 Ingredients...
Hearty Chicken, Chorizo & Garden Vegetable Soup

Hands-down this is a family favorite. In fact, we like this recipe so well that after having devoured one batch and realizing all too late that we should've-could've taken pictures for you... well, we just made another batch. Delicious! Easy, works especially well in a crock pot, serve with a side of Squirrel Bread and...
Garbanzo and Chorizo Soup Southern Style

Saphron and crocuses; the warm weather melted the snow off my perennial herb garden. My rosemary has hints of green, spring is just around the corner. Flying home from Tampa this airport restaurant soup proves there are things to eat almost anywhere. And the chef was willing to share this amazing recipe. My (very few)...
Moroccan Pureed Yam Soup

I have a really amazing new book from Sally Fallon... the whole first half is devoted to explaining the healing properties of bone broth. Benefits from reducing chronic inflammation, auto-immune problems, digestive disorders... and when you handle those you can finally have the energy you want and return to your ideal weight. And supported by...
George’s Unstuffed Cabbage Soup

Some friends have been in our lives for a very long time. We love them just for that. What could be better than helping them? Better than their comfort and willingness to let me use those tools I know well to guide them toward a more fulfilling and healthful life? This is: when they continue on that journey...
For the Love of Larb Soup

Many years ago I had the honor of working with a General of the Laotian army. Somehow, his wife had fallen severely ill (my Laotian isn’t good enough to get the full details). While hospitalized, I gave her several assists and helped get the hospital staff to allow family members to bring in traditional healing...
Rejuvenating Asparagus Chicken Soup

It's time again to clean out after the Holidays, while the winter sun is starting to feel warm again... I love my whole foods Rejuveo cleanse. And this soup is so clean and refreshing, light and yummy. Ginger, garlic, asparagus, and arugula are amazing foods to support liver function and help drain out toxics. And do...
French Onion Soup — Cheese and InstantPot love

Best of friends help each other be their best. So many special people in my life. We fish, we talk gardening, we learn... I learn. I hope you learn from me too. In this recipe, I worked out a magic of French Onion soup, a wonderful Crustini from a tried and true recipe that thousands...
Ginger Dahl

Bright and colorful, Ginger Dahl adds a festive highlight to any meal and warms your body from core to limbs. This savory, heartwarming Indian favorite is belly filling, provides comfort and calm, satisfies a big appetite without the calories and heavy carbs of other comfort foods. Dal soups like this provide plenty of protein and...
Amazing Roasted Cauliflower and Garlic Chowder

I'm addicted to this soup following the gift of the recipe from a wonderful client family sorting out digestive issues and autoimmune situations—which go hand in hand, read my article.and sample autoimmune meal plan. This chowder came later... Because the aim is to provide a healthy, digestive friendly, and hearty soup, all nuts and seeds...
Bieler’s Broth

So many of us love to schedule a detoxification program towards the end of winter or early spring. Smoothies and Beiler's Broth at dinner are a perfect and easily digestible combination.
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Truly the Best Smoked Salmon Chowder–unbelievably dairy-free, gluten-free…

The best chowder ever. I've served this to family and friends numerous times because it avoids dairy. An amazing and welcome dish. Enjoy! Continue reading
Mom’s Healing Bone Broth

Better than pills: Bone broth—“Jewish Penicillin”—chicken soup—this centuries-old miraculous agent of healing should be part of everyone’s whole food healing journey. Many studies confirm what Mom (or Grandma) just knew–broth made from meat bones is a cure-all: soothing for the sick, aid for digestion, energy & strength boost for athletes, a recipe for perfect glowing...
Healing Ginger Miso Soup

Serves 6-8 Ingredients 6 cups Mom's Healing Bone Broth (store bought lacks key ingredients needed for joint, skin health and soothing digestion) 3 Tablespoons chopped fresh ginger 3-6 cloves garlic 1 strip wakame seaweed broken into pieces 3 carrots, peeled and cut into matchsticks ½ teaspoon red chili flakes (Optional—great for the sniffles, may be hard on...
Ginger Kale Garlic Soup

A happy day! I wandered through my Alaska garden and found an abundance of Japanese kale. Next, I conjured up a mental blend of ginger, garlic, kale and miso, my idea of a soul-warming comfort food. Then it became reality. This soup is a nutritional power house. The amazingness of home-made bone broth (and the...
Energy Soup: a Carrot, Apple & Ginger Blast

Another rainy, cool day here in Alaska as what was a truly spectacular summer merges into fall. I'm craving orange... ...and in honor of my incredible group of client-friends who have entrusted to me their personal health on my whole foods Rejuveo cleanse. Specifically sunshine energy orange. Modern science has yet again validated what ancient healing traditions...