Get Off the Grain Train

It’s Independence Day. Our holidays give us the opportunities to spend with family and friends and what could be more American than a BBQ or picnic? I love our great American tradition of everyone-bring-a-dish-to-share. It opens the door for creating dishes that are a real treat and I also get to bring something my family and I like to eat. Scroll down for recipes that are not just cost conscious they are incredibly delicious. Plus I get time to catch up on my research. Additional to my regular job of helping people get the health and quality of life they … Continue reading

What you really need to do about radiation…

While it is true that several United States EPA air monitors, including Anchorage, are now detecting above normal radioactive iodine levels following the Fukushima nuclear plant incident in Japan, these levels are still far below the levels of public health concern and we do not expect harmful levels of radiation in our state. For a full map of detection sites and reports please visit here: ( As explained in an earlier report, taking iodine as a preventive measure is not a wise choice and can cause serious health problems, even though some fear-driven reporting has recommended doing so. Not to … Continue reading

Greetings Healthy Friends! Healing with whole food.

Why I started this whole food nutrition and recipe resource Perhaps at no time in history have Americans eaten so poorly and had so many health issues while at the same time being bombarded by messages to have more of this or that and less of the other—always for health reasons, it seems. Unfortunately, most of today’s consumption nutrition decisions are driven by corporate marketing and not by sound nutrition advice. The scales have tipped. We out of balance and we are paying for this with our health, quality of life and enormous medical costs.Our bodies must be given what they uniquely need to support life, health, and maintain … Continue reading

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