RAGE about AGE: The cancer connection

Cancer cells with RAGE

Back in the day of being a bench scientist studying how cells work, how a single fertilized cell eventually becomes skin, eye, muscle, adipose… how our bodies routinely detect and destroy improperly formed cells, and even clean out those that die when their time is up to make way for new, healthy tissue; back then never a day went by without a remarkable new finding at a deeply biochemical/molecular level. Sadly, so much of that fascinating work can only be understood by those of us who speak the language of science and molecular biology. Yet, their are times when an important … Continue reading

Weight loss and the hCG diet

HCG Diet Products are Illegal

Four years ago my client who I’ll call Shane explained his frustration. He’d tried everything and was considering the hCG diet—priced at the time at $300 per week of participation, 4-6 weeks. He said it could be bought locally and self-administered… More than just a skeptic, by then I’d helped many individuals “recover” from this diet, individuals whose health declined, weight returned and now had new health problems. That said, just because I attract a group for whom a regimen doesn’t work doesn’t necessarily mean it is bad—we’re all different—but there sure have been a lot of folks… I kept my … Continue reading

“Crungry” Blood sugar imbalance affecting your memory?

kick the sugar habit

  Ah the dangers of high blood sugar… then the entire body response to lower toxic levels of blood sugar… and then… blood sugar goes too low… “Crungry”—you know… cranky because you’re hungry. Thinking it is about to starve and die, the body now creates a stress response: crankiness, cravings, anxiety, sometimes jitters and faint-headedness… It is such a primal response: low blood sugar = drastic moods and single-focus “feed me!” And we no longer care what. This primal single-focused subconscious drive throws out everything and goes for the fastest quick-fix money can buy at the closest convenience store: But … Continue reading

Therapeutic foods: the gut-brain connection

Food is Therapeutic. I love sharing good solid nutrition, rather than profit-based nutrition. Thought provoking… real… information, recipes, occasional book finds, and other things that you—the person seeking to rebalance health starting by rebalancing eating—finds really useful. Which brings me to today’s topic, beets! As a member of several professional groups focused on functional medicine and integrated nutrition, just about every day I get an email or six asking my thoughts about handling bloating, digestive upset…. more… or brain fog, tiredness, headaches, anxiety… more… A recent holistic health practitioner wrote: “Hello! I need some help figuring out my client’s brain fog and fatigue. She sent me this info … Continue reading

Obesity: the making of an epidemic

Not just in the US, all around the world, obesity and related problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are at levels we’ve never before seen. More people are now overweight than underfed. Surprisingly, a person can have normal weight yet still be over fat—still have excessive fat inside their body surrounding their organs. Why is this bad? Because the deep fat—the intra-abdominal or visceral fat as it is called—also becomes a sponge for toxic chemicals. The concentration of fat-stored toxins can be 1000’s of times higher than that circulating in your blood as demonstrated by my dear … Continue reading

Stevia: Friend or Foe?

sugar free, healthy, low calorie, stevia, anchorage nutritionist, lose weight, weight loss, anchorage dietician,

Given the massive consumption of sugar around the world, and the now-not-debatable link with obesity, diabetes, renal failure of metabolic syndrome, and probably cancer, we still search for the Holy Grail of sweeteners: is there some sweet treat that doesn’t cause inflammation and weight gain like cane or corn sugar? Or that creates that delight without being so high calorie while providing no nutritional value? Is stevia the answer? Heck, we’ve even assumed man’s best friend needs sweet treats and begun imposing feeding them “low calorie” “diet” grain-based (that say “no empty calories”) pet foods sweetened with stevia. A type of plant native to Central and South America, Stevia … Continue reading

The Wonders of Real Maple Syrup

buckwheat pancakes with blueberries and real maple syrup health

Before I’m accused of backtracking on 50,000+ times of saying “sugar is bad,” let me just say it again: Sugar is bad. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way… let me also say… not all sugars are created equal. Maple syrup health properties are very interesting. Alright, why is sugar so bad… There are some sugars that just should never, ever be consumed. Cane sugar in any form (raw, turbinado, concentrated juice, organic or otherwise…) and corn sugar (also known as high fructose corn syrup). Why? Because they create an immediate inflammatory response in the body that is … Continue reading

Those Crazy Cravings; What to do?

cravings, nutrition, whole foods, anchorage health coach, wellness, clinical nutrition, nutritionist, health coach, anchorage,

Cravings, cravings, cravings…although giving in to quick fixes may wreck your personal goals, cravings are really not bad. They are just telling you your body is missing something. While most of us have trained ourselves to believe cravings are bad, usually they are your body’s way of saying you are missing something important. This is as true of those horrific cravings when trying to quit smoking as it is of drug and alcohol cravings and, yes, those weird food cravings of pregnancy and more. In part, cravings may start because you may have decided to change your lifestyle and remove … Continue reading

Why We Get Fat (part 2)

www.successhealthcoach.com = successful weight loss

Debunking the “eat less / move more” weight loss program. In Why We Get Fat (part 1) I explained the radical change in mainstream nutrition advice starting late 1970’s: we were told to cut the fat out, eat fat-free, low-fat… you know “eat healthy.” The food industry complied. We got an infinite number of new “Heart Healthy”, Low-Fat, No-Fat, “diet” and more high carbohydrate convenience products than we could possibly need—always in a hurry these were supposed to be healthier for us, right? Carbohydrates were placed on the bottom of the food pyramid; the fundamental base of good nutrition. Grains … Continue reading

Why We Get Fat (part 1)

Exactly; why do we get fat? We all want to do the right thing, feel and look great, have more energy… We have listened to our doctor who says we have to lose weight for our heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes… Nothing’s working; what do we do? Weight loss: what are we missing? Most of us at one time or another have tried calorie-counting, portion control, and despite all we did to deprive and control, we’ve felt the humiliation and self-invalidation of failing… The obesity epidemic: Why? A piece of history: Between 1980 and 2000, obesity rates doubled in the … Continue reading

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