Search Results for: weight

Nature’s superfood seeds: Will the fiber you’re getting really help?

Since nature has created so many nutritious and healthful food for us to consume, I’ve honestly no idea why we can buy only so few things in our grocery stores with the rest being factory made junk. Well, maybe I do. If every farmer grew varied crops for our year-round enjoyment there wouldn’t be Wall street corn, soy, wheat and sugar futures markets. And farms would be small and community—not big corporate conglomerates with stock prices to support. And their marketing wouldn’t be so effective as to restructure our thinking with “treats” that are “tricks.” Our understanding of fiber has, … Continue reading

Solving Chronic Inflammation

Meet the modern inflammatory diet. We are fatter and sicker—and extremely unhappy about being fatter and sicker—than ever before in history. Except, of course, anyone who has tried to actually do something about their health but given up—moving into the “nothing can be done about it” band. The studies are clear: where “modern” processed foods become the standard diet, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other diseases of inflammation follow. When we abandon our traditional nourishing foods in favor of processed groceries high in sugar, processed grains, vegetable oils, and additives, we get sick. Of the top ten … Continue reading

Soaring health insurance costs? Four strategies to lessen the pain.

With health insurance costs through the roof, read on for ways to lower your premiums. Mike came to see me, near tears. He’s had to pull money from what he’d hoped to save for his daughter’s college to cover his $1500/month family health insurance premiums now required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Sarah was enraged—“I’m 23, very healthy, I work hard, my premium skyrocketed 78 percent in one year!” Over a decade ago I had to get my own health insurance—I stepped off the corporate treadmill and again had my own family business. At that time, ObamaCare didn’t exist; there … Continue reading

Keeping inflammation in check: Your ubiquitous ubiquitin system

Are Alzheimer’s, weight gain and obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease all the same health problem? I think so. And so do many other researchers today. What they all have in common is excess inflammation in the body. And any time some really interesting new piece of the inflammatory puzzle hits the science headlines, pharmaceutical and biotech companies start promoting how they’ll develop novel anti-inflammatory drugs to block these natural proteins to finally solve the problem of unquenchable pain and inflammation. And one such amazing piece of the inflammatory puzzle—amazing to molecular biology or biochemistry nerds like me—just put together some pieces not before known. For 20 … Continue reading

Epic Meat Bars

I love great finds for nourishing, on-the-go snacks and lunches. The only think I like more is when I work out how to make something in my own kitchen for a fraction of the cost of buying the original. And the only other thing I like even more than that, is when it is sooooo super simple (but don’t tell anyone) and my raving family wants more. So what is it? A truly portable, convenient and great tasting protein source compatible with your weight loss goals, your low-carb ketogenic diet, your anti-inflammatory diet… it’s my version of the Epic spicy … Continue reading

Step 4: How much protein and fat to eat?

Why very low calorie diets don’t work You must, must, must address your body’s energy needs in order to lose weight and maintain health. Your body burns some number of calories every day to maintain your your muscle and vital functions. In nutrition terms, we call this Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum calorie requirement needed to sustain life at rest—in other words, the amount of energy (measured in calories) you will burn if you remain in bed all day! You must never, ever eat less than your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in calories or you will waste … Continue reading

“Crungry” Blood sugar imbalance affecting your memory?

kick the sugar habit

  Ah the dangers of high blood sugar… then the entire body response to lower toxic levels of blood sugar… and then… blood sugar goes too low… “Crungry”—you know… cranky because you’re hungry. Thinking it is about to starve and die, the body now creates a stress response: crankiness, cravings, anxiety, sometimes jitters and faint-headedness… It is such a primal response: low blood sugar = drastic moods and single-focus “feed me!” And we no longer care what. This primal single-focused subconscious drive throws out everything and goes for the fastest quick-fix money can buy at the closest convenience store: But … Continue reading

Our Nutrition Blog

Greetings and welcome to Our Nutrition Kitchen—my healing whole food recipes and informational articles to help you on your natural health journey. I hope you enjoy them. My pages and posts allow comments—Definitely leave your recipe variations, thoughts on my articles, and your successes. I periodically send eNews articles and new recipes; sign up to your right ⇒ Looking for good information on how to use whole foods to help rebalance your health? Feel free to send questions to or explore my personalized, step-by-step services at Make your day brilliant! —Marie Peruse these popular topics or use the search box: Chemical … Continue reading

Coffee Good or Bad?

100% natural coffee good or bad

A quick browse on the internet yields “7 health reasons…” “10 ways coffee harms…” “11 good things about coffee…” Do you have whiplash yet? And the media is not helping! One night’s news report conflicts with another’s blatantly contradictory info. So what do we do? Whatever the heck we want, apparantly. The coffee infusion of ground, roasted coffee beans, is among the most widely consumed beverages in the world. After all, that chocolaty aroma… the promise of energy… so is coffee good or bad? My own courtship with coffee. The truth is, I love my coffee. I find this subject … Continue reading

Embracing change: Is your saboteur sabotaging you?

achieve your dreams, weight goals, health goals

Saboteur One who engages in sabotage, usually concealing their identity. Sabotage those acts of subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction that keep us (or the enemy) playing small. Change comes with a chain reaction… Have you noticed that as soon as you decide to make a big change, especially one that looks really good, a whole bunch of “voices” give you very long lists of why it won’t work, cost too much… It’s not you. If your decision aligns with your goals, these opinions and voices make no sense, right? Sometimes these are unhelpful friends. We do need a good support … Continue reading

  • Tried "Everything"?
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