My child can’t behave: 10 tips to handle the food additive connection.

During the 1970s the headlines read: food additives drug children—and result in drugging children, researchers say. But this wasn’t enough to convince health policy or medical professionals, creating a confusion for parents. During the 1980s headlines read: New research shows possible link between food additives and hyperactivity. During the 1990s we put a name on it: Possible ADHD link with food dyes and additives according to new research. And so it goes… Except none of it is “headline” news given Theron Randolf published her observations “Allergy as a causative factor of fatigue, irritability, and behavior problems in children” in the Journal of … Continue reading

US Food Additives cause 80% of our food to be banned in other countries

Shopping for additive-free food

The story is very clear: Food additives make children hyperactive. A definitive study published in The Lancet clearly shows that food colors and preservatives (sodium benzoate) make normal children hyperactive—half of whom were age 3 and the other half ages 8/9. In my practice, I’ve seen this in many, many adults. Our nation’s love of easy, cheap and fast is unique. It isn’t done this way in most other places. In fact 80% of pre-packaged foods sold in the United States are actually banned in other nations. And for good reason. Whether it’s toxic soda brands like Mountain Dew, or sugary … Continue reading

Achieving Optimal Health & Balance

Health balance: the art of listening to your body You get an idea. Immediately your brain sends coordination messages to your body. Each organ, muscle, joint… complies and then just as lightning fast, sends back its acknowledgement of “all done, sir.” This is a perfect world, body in health & balance. But what about those non-compliant answers like “we’re not getting up yet” or “oops, I missed”; or status messages like “ouch! that smarts!” (a consequence of noncompliance) or “Captain, she can’t take much more” or “could I get a little more oxygen?” or “I’m thirsty.” We don’t think about … Continue reading

Treat Mom to a Healthy Brunch!

Us mom’s work really hard to make sure we give our families our best. But where are we going to find the energy for this if we aren’t giving our bodies the genuine building blocks they need, or have way too many environmental stresses dragging us down? Personally, and as a somewhat biased mom, I advocate for Mother’s day about 365 days a year. Fathers day too (I’m not gender biased mind you ;-). And for that matter, children’s day too. I’m only somewhat joking. Shouldn’t every day be a celebration of family? What if every day we found one … Continue reading

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