Your Gut Affects Your Happiness

love your colon

Many people believe we are controlled by some 20-25,000 genes in our DNA, the genetic blueprint in each of us, the human genome that since 2003 is completely mapped out. But in each of us is a second genome, another piece of the “how our bodies work” mystery. Close one door and open a new set of questions The last two decades have brought an avalanche of studies into the human microbiome: colonies of some 30 trillion probiotic bacterial cells that reside in our digestive tracts, on our skin, in our airways, and even in our eyes—naturally and healthfully—and which … Continue reading

Powerhouse fruits and veggies list: more nutrient dense for the calories

I thought only my Eating to Restore Balance group knew the truth about our Fourth Food Group—veggies—until now that is. So first of all, applaud yourself for entering the produce section and making some selections—based on the shopping carts I stand next to in the check-out line, you are already special. But now there is a tool if you’re looking to know which are the highest ranked powerhouse fruits and vegetables, foods most strongly associated with reduced chronic disease risk, on a nutrient density scale. See, creatures of habit, we tend to head to the store and pick the same old familiar … Continue reading

Simple tips to make healthy eating fun

toxic chemicals and accumulated waste prevent weight loss

Americans eat less than 70 percent of their meals at home, and less than a third of families eat meals together more than twice a week. Restaurant food and take-out meals are notorious for cheap ingredients made up in flavor with added sugar, unhealthy fats, and iodized salt. More than half of Americans’ calories come from “ultra-processed foods,” according to a new study published in BMJ Open. “Formulations of several ingredients which, besides salt, sugar, oils, and fats, include food substances not used in culinary preparations, in particular, flavors, colors, sweeteners, emulsifiers and other additives used to imitate sensorial qualities … Continue reading

The Art of Food Combining

food combining explained

You asked for it. I just hope you really want to know: How we eat may be just as important as what we eat—depending on your health and health goals. Food is your #1 ally. While certain supplements can help certain situations, supplements cannot make up for poor diet. Most Americans believe that any number of different foods can be digested at the same time. Well, this isn’t what’s meant by food combining and may be why more than half of us suffer from some sort of digestive distress that no manner of elimination or medication can seem to fix. … Continue reading

Why We Get Fat (part 2) = successful weight loss

Debunking the “eat less / move more” weight loss program. In Why We Get Fat (part 1) I explained the radical change in mainstream nutrition advice starting late 1970’s: we were told to cut the fat out, eat fat-free, low-fat… you know “eat healthy.” The food industry complied. We got an infinite number of new “Heart Healthy”, Low-Fat, No-Fat, “diet” and more high carbohydrate convenience products than we could possibly need—always in a hurry these were supposed to be healthier for us, right? Carbohydrates were placed on the bottom of the food pyramid; the fundamental base of good nutrition. Grains … Continue reading

Sleep Nutrition: Sleep Soundly vs Toss and Turn

Your vital guide to sleep nutrition foods I can’t sleep; I can’t lose weight (and their cousins: I’m low energy, cranky, full of anxiety…) are probably the most common complaints I hear as a Life Coach. Small business owners who want to make their dreams come true, nutritional clients; you all mention sleep problems as a top item on your list, second to relationships and often before weight. Sleep nutrition is key. Sleeping well is key to moods/energy, which are key to relationships… but weight loss? Yes, that too according to well-thought-out study by Plamen Penev, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the … Continue reading

Support GMO labeling

Greetings readers! I think most of us understand that GMOs are bad news because of the toxic chemicals (weed killing and insect killing, usually) engineered into those plants–or perhaps because we know that this is done at a sacrifice to nutrient quantity/quality and to allow cheap “filler” food in packaged goods. But if anyone is wondering why GMO labeling laws do not pass where grassroots, people-driven movements have requested labeling and for decades, check out this report:  The anti-GMO-labeling group is required by law to publicly disclose its over $7 million in donations from the food industry–but instead set … Continue reading

“safe” GMOs increase cancer rates and death!

Although many of us take steps to avoid genetically modified foods if we can (labeling would be nice); there are three major uses of GMO products that slip under the radar: Pet food “Vitamin” supplements non-organic grain fed meats and eggs Major supplement companies use GMO sources: Did you know that most “Vitamin C” (called that, isn’t the whole complex though–usually just ascorbic acid part which doesn’t work alone), did you know most Ascorbic Acid (labelled “vitamin C”) is made from corn? And did you know that in the US 88% of all corn is GMO? Buying whole food organic supplements … Continue reading

Get Off the Grain Train

It’s Independence Day. Our holidays give us the opportunities to spend with family and friends and what could be more American than a BBQ or picnic? I love our great American tradition of everyone-bring-a-dish-to-share. It opens the door for creating dishes that are a real treat and I also get to bring something my family and I like to eat. Scroll down for recipes that are not just cost conscious they are incredibly delicious. Plus I get time to catch up on my research. Additional to my regular job of helping people get the health and quality of life they … Continue reading

Berry & Nut Muffins

Unlike soy and corn oil, the coconut used in this recipe does not interfere with thyroid function, and there is plenty of evidence that it supports the body’s innate ability to destroy bacteria, viruses and yeast, reduces risk of atherosclerosis and related illnesses, reduces risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions, supports immune system function, helps prevent osteoporosis, helps control diabetes, promotes weight loss, supports healthy metabolic function, helps keep skin soft and smooth, helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, helps protect against skin cancer and other blemishes, and is heat resistant making it one of the … Continue reading

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