Why We Get Fat (part 1)

Exactly; why do we get fat? We all want to do the right thing, feel and look great, have more energy… We have listened to our doctor who says we have to lose weight for our heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes… Nothing’s working; what do we do? Weight loss: what are we missing? Most of us at one time or another have tried calorie-counting, portion control, and despite all we did to deprive and control, we’ve felt the humiliation and self-invalidation of failing… The obesity epidemic: Why? A piece of history: Between 1980 and 2000, obesity rates doubled in the … Continue reading

Lose Weight: Turn Off the Fat Switch


Lose weight: Weight Loss Remodernized Ancient nutritional theory says getting fat is simply a matter of too many calories and not enough exercise; that to lose weight we have to use willpower, cut calories / exercise more—any calories will do, just eat less of them. What if it’s wrong? If you are among the millions who’ve tried to lose weight by counting calories or low calorie diets know this: obesity does not result from gluttony and idleness, but rather because we have activated a “fat switch” similar to that used by animals in the wild to increase fat stores: it … Continue reading

7 Nutrition Truths for Optimal Health.

corn sugar and the obesity epidemic

Simple nutrition steps–Big health returns. One of my clients recently asked me to help improve her family’s health through diet—she talked about getting off the processed and starchy by home-cooking whole-grain pasta with Alfredo. OK, so what exactly is a healthy diet? Well, the nutrition truth basics are pretty simple: Everyone needs a mix of proteins, fats, and some (but not too much) carbohydrates from the right sources. We need enough vitamins and minerals. We need nourishing activities in our lives. But there are many long-held nutrition myths. Crowding out the false data and replacing it with nutrition truths may not … Continue reading

Support GMO labeling

Greetings readers! I think most of us understand that GMOs are bad news because of the toxic chemicals (weed killing and insect killing, usually) engineered into those plants–or perhaps because we know that this is done at a sacrifice to nutrient quantity/quality and to allow cheap “filler” food in packaged goods. But if anyone is wondering why GMO labeling laws do not pass where grassroots, people-driven movements have requested labeling and for decades, check out this report:  http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_28562.cfm  The anti-GMO-labeling group is required by law to publicly disclose its over $7 million in donations from the food industry–but instead set … Continue reading

HCG Diet – Weight Loss Miracle? Diet Scam?

Thanks to everyone who came to my packed, full house, talk on 7 Steps to Permanently Lose Weight. One question that comes up over and over and seems to return to our society every few decades (after just enough time, I guess, for people to forget the research) is the HCG diet. “My friend did this and lost …” or “I’m taking the safer homeopathic HCG …” or “I went to a doctor who prescribed the *real* HCG because it’s safer…”  Please read on. First of all, let’s get some correct definitions: Diet: n. the foods you routinely eat. Unfortunately, … Continue reading

Control Your Weight, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and Heart Health.

The sun is out and our unbelievable record-setting Alaska winter snowfall is finally leaving. Soon we’ll be wearing shorts, bathing suits and, looking in the mirror, yikes! extra winter insulation has just got to go: time to lose some weight! There is probably no bigger argument in the corporate lobbying dietician/nutrition world than how to get to our ideal weight. Should we count calories, percent of protein, percent of carbohydrate or glycemic index? Which is the most important weight loss strategy (or how can we prevent diabetes, lower cholesterol, improve heart health…) And, of course, we have to shun dietary fat—which … Continue reading

Fuel for Athletic Performance: natural sports drink power.

I originally wrote this as a letter to my son’s football team—teammates and parents asked me why “the second half bust”: fatigue. Truly, this applies to everyone looking to have athletic energy and reduce fat. All those sugary Gatorade drinks and sweet game treats are literally killing athletic performance–and ability to burn fat for fuel. Switch to natural sports drinks and the correct game prep plans. Electrolytes are only part of the story… And the team? Currently #1. Want some help with ideas? Check out this site’s fabulous and “kid-tested” recipes including the now-famous “Football Chicken Satay.” Dear Wolverines, you R-O-C-K! … Continue reading

  • Tried "Everything"?
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